Monday, February 23, 2015

Classroom updates

Well it may not be spring yet, however fifth grade is going to be a whirlwind from here on out. We are already approaching the end of the 2nd trimester and things will start to move very quickly.

Information about Spring conferences went home today. Please remember that conference preferences are filled on a first come first serve basis so if you have a limited schedule please send your forms back quickly.

Your child is also bringing home a weather study guide for their benchmark which will be this Friday. Due to snow days this unit was stretched out longer than typical and review will be necessary. Writing their Water molecule stories is a great way review some portions of the unit as they should be including things they have learned about weather in their writing.
In addition, I have posted the study guide as well as some helpful links on the Science tab of our classroom website. Please let me know if you have questions about the creative writing story or the weather benchmark and help your child plan their week so that they are not cramming it all in on Thursday night.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Vacation!

We had a short but great week at school. Friday was filled with excitement and fun as we celebrated "Spring" in bright colors, had a Valentine Celebration, and ended with a slideshow at community meeting. Did your child tell you about our fun with pink oobleck? 

Over the next two weeks your child will be working on a Science project, the majority of which should be completed at home, it is due Friday February 28th. This is a "personal narrative" told from the perspective of a water molecule. It will be written and submitted through their google accounts. It should be a multiple paragraph account of a molecules trip through the water cycle. In addition to using good writing practices I am also looking to see a strong understanding of the Science and inclusion of scientific vocabulary. Please contact me if you have any questions about this assignment.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Valentine's Day Celebration

I can't believe we are already preparing for our Valentine's Day celebration. Hopefully we won't be missing any more school days as all of us need a little consistency in order to get back into the school groove.

Next Friday, 2/13,  we will be having our last classroom celebration. The students will be making valentine bags in class and are able to bring valentines into school on Friday. Please remember that it is not required to bring them in, but if your child chooses to participate they must bring in a valentine for each classmate. A class list can be found in your child's master binder. There are 11 boys and 10 girls in our class. Please remember not to send in any food items with the valentines. Students will be having a snack, game, and craft at our class party.